German Lutheran
St. Paul's Church
New York
Budget 2024 - USD 88,885 already committed!
Sun, Dec 31
|New York
We would like to plan our budget for 2024. More info below...

Where and when
Dec 31, 2023, 11:59 AM – 12:04 PM
New York, 315 W 22nd St, New York, NY 10011, USA
About this Event
So far, we know where we stand financially every week thanks to the donations received. Planning medium-term measures or personnel is not possible in this way. This year our fundraising goal was USD 250,000. By November we had reached around USD 125,000.
Due to the lack of clarity, there is a certain pressure on the part of the congregations leadership to keep bringing up the financial issue. It would certainly be better if we knew in advance what we could expect.
We see a way to get a clearer overview at the beginning of the year:
If all donors (you can do this by registering for this "event") make a declaration of how much they would like to donate, it will be MUCH easier. These can be one-time donations, weekly or monthly donations. And it may also happen that you need to change your plan later - no problem. In this way, you would make a significant contribution to us getting a better understanding on our expected donations and thus being able to plan better.
Thank you for your willingness to support our congregation financially!