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Church service

Sun, Jul 16


New York

A warm invitation to the service in St. Paul's! During the summer months we will be thinking about parables and encounters with Jesus in a series of sermons. These services are particularly suitable for our summer guests: Each sermon offers a central thought to take away...

Church service
Church service

Where and when

Jul 16, 2023, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

New York, 315 W 22nd St, New York, NY 10011, USA

About this Event

The topic this Sunday will be: "Life Concepts". It's about a person who just leaves a whole table full of money and moves on.....

After the service we invite you to have coffee in the parish hall: this is a good opportunity to get to know the parish!


St. Paul's Church has served the people of New York since 1841

+1 (212) 929 1955


315 West 22nd Street

New York, NY 10011


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